We started our Youth Conference journey doing a service project at a boy scout camp, we had to lift these HEAVY picnic tables and take them about a quarter of a mile down a trail. It was not easy. Then we cleared wood and debris for new camp sites and trails.
We played a bunch of "minute to win it" games. It was a blast! If anyone has any questions about any of the games, or would like instructions, I am happy to provide them, and give you advise on which ones are fun and which are more difficult.
The final game, the boys had to wear a pair of nylons over their heads with an orange in the bottom of one of the legs and knock over water bottles. It was hilarious! Hyrum Gunther ended up winning the whole game. Jeff told him he had to wear his #1 ribbon for the rest of the weekend, and surprisingly, he did, even when he was swimming. He also wore it under his suit jacket at church that Sunday! We loved it!
We had a nice relaxing night of roasting marshmallows and telling stories around the fire. Although Jeff and I were the only ones who had any ghost stories.
We went on a short hike to a beautiful water area. Some of the group decided to go a little farther and climb to the other side of the spring.
This little guy was jealous of all our food, so he kept stopping by to see what he could sneak off with.
We were able to go on a tour of the Paris Tabernacle.
After the tour, the kids went on a scavenger "treasure" hunt. They were each given their own compass that they could keep. Each of the clues they found would tell them a direction they needed to go to find the next clue.
At the end of the scavenger hunt, the kids had to knock on the door of the Tabernacle and the Bishop answered and presented them each with a picture of Jesus that had the camp out theme scripture on the back.
The leaders that came and helped us out. We couldn't have done it without them.
The water was really cold, but that didn't stop the kids and some of the leaders from getting in. What I didn't understand is that they just stood there in the water saying how cold it was, they were not moving around or anything.
The boys and a couple of girls played football on the beach with Jeff. They had a great time.
Looks like it turned out great and everyone had a good time. I am still sorry we couldn't make it, but it sounds like you guys did a terrific job! Be careful though, you did so good they may want you to do it again next year!! :)